In a world that is re-opening after the pandemic we are starting to see some key trends emerging as part of the new-normal. One of which being – the traditional handshake and business card exchange are out. Your clients no longer want to be given paper cards, and your staff doesn’t want to take them either.
More importantly, for companies with hundreds or thousands of front line staff, taking many cards from their clients/suppliers/business contacts and bringing them back to the office poses a potential health & safety risk. One contaminated card could lead to a whole floor, or office location going into quarantine.
“In 2020 people don’t need a piece of paper in order to get in touch with you – they just need an easier way to do so.”
It is not about whether people save or throw your paper business card – if your details are not saved to their phone’s contacts – your details are nowhere. And let’s face it – how often do we take the time out of our day to save someone’s contacts onto our phone?
In comparison, one in three recipients of our virtual cards saves your details to their contacts – not only can they contact you, but when you reach out to follow up on a conversation they see your name & photo appear on their screen, instead of an unrecognized number – building rapport with your business contacts has never been more important.
The trend of moving from paper to digital started several years ago, and companies who have embraced our virtual cards consistently experience better customer satisfaction and an increase in sales effectiveness.
With the new normal and some of the world’s leading brands making the move to digital a priority as part of their re-opening strategy, we’re seeing exponential growth in this trend, which is likely to result in a new base-line standard demanded by customers.
Verticals leading the change to virtual include retail, luxury good, professional services, pharmaceuticals, and financial services