Businesses today have started to be more digital and in sync with modern times, however business cards continue to be made of paper and handed out in bulk quantities. How many of us always have a card holder loaded with our business cards? “Sir, that’s my card” This is usually ringing around in every meeting, conference or networking event, annoying, isn’t it? Business cards are usually the first investment individuals and organizations make towards marketing their products and services. Although this has been the trend for centuries, it has severe monetary issues and environmental issues as well. Let’s take a look at why the traditional business cards are still relevant and how a digital business card can match up to if not exceed the relevance.

Professional look

A business card is beneficial as you no longer need to reach out for a piece of paper to scribble your contact details whenever you need to share it with a prospective client. To get the best look and feel of the card, they should be professional looking with all relevant information noted in a concise simple to read manner. A digital business card makes this “professional-looking” process a cakewalk. There are many pre-defined templates to choose from or you can bring out the creative genius in you and design one. You can rest assured knowing that you will not miss any details as usually all important information such as name, address, contact number, etc. are mandatory fields to be filled out.

Share information quickly

A paper business card allows the business owner to share his contact information quickly and conveniently, whenever the need arises. However as noted above, 88 percent of these business cards end up being trashed. Moreover, if any contact details change, for example, the location of your business, all the clients with your paper business card will be completely unaware unless they are informed. A digital business card is very beneficial, especially in this scenario. It allows convenient sharing of information without the need to carry a stack of paper business cards. More importantly, if any details change, you can update it and it will get updated on all the cards you have already shared. Very convenient? Oh yes, definitely!

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How does a Digital Business Card match up to a Traditional Business Card? 2

Personal Touch

To hand out a paper business card, physical contact with the recipient is a must. This adds a personal touch to the transaction of giving/exchanging a business card. In today’s age of technology, the internet has already played a major role in reducing the need for personal contact – whether this is a bane or a boon is a question for another time. With current times where hygiene has become such a big issue to avoid the spread of dangerous diseases, isn’t it preferable to share business contact information wherever in the world with ease and without the need for physical contact? Using a digital business card, I can be sitting in India and pass on my contact information with a client sitting in the United States!


Printing paper business cards of good quality are decently affordable. Which means you can print a good quantity without burning a hole through your wallet. However, because 88% of cards are thrown away, you will need to print a large quantity to ensure your marketing campaign is effective and your business has received a profitable number of clients – a needed but unnecessary overhead expense. Using a digital business card, you can share your business identity with how many people you want without any additional cost. With competitive pricing and interactive user-friendly features why not try a Picafi Digital Business Card?