Imagine this. You are at a big, essential corporate networking function. You are acting on behalf of your company, and it is your job to bring in new business.

The evening is going well. People are mingling, having a couple of drinks and having a great time. Finally, your networking pays off, and you want to start handing out business cards when you realise, you have put the cards in the wrong blazer. Now what? If only there were a simpler, more effective solution. That is why you need an electronic business card (EBC). It comes with an abundance of benefits, and it avoids those awkward situations where you forget to bring your business cards along or lose them wherever you go.


Paper and printing can work out quite costly, especially when having to print out business cards for all of you employees. Ever so often employees come and go and then hundreds of paper business cards go to waste. Or every time employees change their job position, they require a whole new business card. With an EBC you don’t have that expense as everything can be adjusted electronically, nothing has to be printed, and you have an endless amount at your disposal.

When employees leave the company, their EBC can be assigned to a different person. In that way, no one’s information can get lost or stolen once they leave and they can be assured that their data is no longer at the company once they are gone.

A business owner can access statistics of the tracked number of business cards that are being sent out and to whom. This ensures full control of the owner and protection to the employee.

It is dynamically and interactively linked to Google Maps, and upon request, immediately navigates your clients to your business premises for quick navigation of the clients to the business premises.


We all know that forests are the lungs of our land. It is therefore vital to take care of it as best we can, especially now when forests throughout the world are dying at an alarming rate. As EBCs tremendously cuts back on paper, they are great for the environment and help save our trees.

EBCs are not only environmentally friendly but help companies to go green; Businesses that have gone green show global responsibility. In today’s world being proudly environmentally friendly is a must for getting an edge over other companies.


EBCs are extremely easy to use, and best of all is that its recipients can open it and forward it without having to download and install apps. Your recipients, as well as their shared contacts, can view the card by simply going to the link.


Having paper business cards from 20 different companies can be very frustrating. To be effective, one virtually needs a filing system. Most of the time we don’t have anywhere to put them and just end up throwing them away. Make sure that your card doesn’t become one of those annoying pieces of clutter in someone’s office or on the car’s dashboard. If your business counts, you must be able to be contacted immediately.

Your clients deserve better. Provide them with an electronic option which is useful, clean and environmentally friendly. Use EBCs.

Stand out from the crowd and present your clients with a better, unique option.